American Lock S1107BLK Safety Lockout Padlock Black Keyed Different
$ 12.97
American Lock S1107 padlocks are designed specifically for lockout tagout applications with a key retaining cylinder to ensure the padlock is not left unlocked. With an anodized finish and FDA approved lubricants the American Lock S1107 is suitable for lockout tagout in food processing facilities.
American Lock S1107 Safety Lockout Padlock Features
- 1 key included per padlock
- W401/W417 Safety Exclusive Keyway
- 6-pin cylinder with over 40,000 key changes ensures that each employee has their own unique key
- key retaining cylinder ensures padlock is not accidentally left unlocked
- 1-1/2" wide aluminum body with anodized finish
- 1/4" diameter shackle
- 3" vertical shackle clearance
- 9 high visibility colors available
- ideal for corrosive and tough environments
- uses FDA approved lubricants safe for use in food processing
- available keyed alike, keyed differently, and master keyed
American Lock S1107 Models
- Keyed Differently
- Red - S1107RED
- Black - S1107BLK
- Blue - S1107BLU
- Brown - S1107BRN
- Clear - S1107CLR
- Green - S1107GRN
- Orange - S1107ORJ
- Purple - S1107PRP
- Red - S1107RED
- Yellow - S1107YLW
- Keyed Alike
- Black - S1107KABLK
- Blue - S1107KABLU
- Brown - S1107KABRN
- Clear - S1107KACLR
- Green - S1107KAGRN
- Orange - S1107KAORJ
- Purple - S1107KAPRP
- Red - S1107KARED
- Yellow - S1107KAYLW