American Lock A1107KAORJ Safety Lockout Padlock Orange Keyed Alike Match My Key Code
$ 13.43
American Lock A1107 padlock has an anodized finish suitable for lockout tagout in food processing facilities. The corrosion resistant finish is ideal for tough environments. Order multiple American Lock A1107KA padlocks keyed alike to open multiple locks with the same key.
- 1-1/2" wide aluminum body
- 1/4" shackle diameter
- 3" shackle clearance
- 9 high visibility colors available
- anodized finish stays bright
- ideal for corrosive and tough environments
- 5-pin non-key retaining cylinder
- keyed alike, keyed differently, and master keyed available
- two keys included per padlock
- Keyed Differently
- Red - A1107RED
- Black - A1107BLK
- Blue - A1107BLU
- Brown - A1107BRN
- Clear - A1107CLR
- Green - A1107GRN
- Orange - A1107ORJ
- Purple - A1107PRP
- Red - A1107RED
- Yellow - A1107YLW
- Keyed Alike
- Black - A1107KABLK
- Blue - A1107KABLU
- Brown - A1107KABRN
- Clear - A1107KACLR
- Green - A1107KAGRN
- Orange - A1107KAORJ
- Purple - A1107KAPRP
- Red - A1107KARED
- Yellow - A1107KAYLW